My best answer:

IntelliResponse Corporate, Financial & Legal Overview

IntelliResponse Systems is a privately held company based in Toronto, Canada, with offices in Toronto. All key information is available on the company website.

As such, we don't provide financial information such as annual revenues or profits. However, we are a stable growing company that has been recognized and reported by the leading analysts, industry journals, and, of course, our customers who continue to expand their business with us.

We have been in business over 10 years, and our customers include some of the world's largest companies - including 6 of the top 11 banks in North America, 2 of the top 10 telecommunication providers, and most of the largest Universities and Colleges in North America.

In addition, the company is audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers and, more recently, KPMG. Both companies can provide assurance of the strength of the company if required.


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